11 strange south korea facts | Make them different from every country

11 strange south korea facts:

You should know the strange and some wired south korea facts which make them different from other countries. This will definitely amazed you. Basically most of the countries are situated at north-east area of Asia and south korea is one of them. It has the unique specialty which makes it very different from other countries. We will talk about the 11 facts which only find in the south korea.

strange south korea facts | south korea
south korea facts

south korea facts

1. They hate tattoos:

In India most of the youth love to make tattoo but South Koreans hate to make tattoos on their body. It is illegal work for the tattoo artist. It is better for you to hide your tattoo in South Korea and it become hard for you to get the job in South Korea due to your fascinate tattoo on your body.

2. You can’t give tip to waiters:

You cannot give the tip to waiters in South Korea. Yes, it is common in India to give tip but there is no need because the salary of waiters in South Korea is very high amount. If anyone gives them tip then they understand their insults.

3. Eat food at free of cost:

You want free food? Actually, most of them love free food. In the South Korea, if you want to taste a food before purchasing in super market then you will taste as much you want. There is no problem not to purchase that meal after eating food. And trust me; it is common in their super markets. You should go there and enjoy that free food.

4. Toilet Papers as gift:

To give the toilet paper as a gift, you know South Korea is most advances in the technology in whole world. It is really wired to listen but their people gift the toilet paper rolls as traditional gift in parties or function. They believe that the length of toilet paper shows the long life age. If you want to live long then buy toilet papers.

5. Unlucky no.?:

You know they believe that no. 4 is unlucky. When you analyze the lift of the building, you will see that the no. 4 will be skipping and instead of it no. 5 replace that. You will see that there is no 4th floor in the buildings. It will be 3 or 5 but not 4. And be aware guys don’t gift them anything in the 4 no. It should be 3 or 5 but not 4.

6. Tight schedule classes:

The schedule of the classes in the South Korea is really tight. The students of elementary classes stay their school for morning 9 a.m. to evening 6 p.m. and secondary class’s student stay for 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. and high school students stay till mid night. 

7. They do not mean to other countries:

They are so happy in their own country. They don’t like to see Hollywood movies and if you will ask them about the famous singer of the world then they are not able to answer it.

8. Smoking:

Smoking is not good for health but you can smoke in South Korea freely even in India you are free. But you can’t smoke anywhere in South Korea especially in public area otherwise get ready to pay fine for this fault.

9. Smart people:

Koreans are so slim. They are so fit because they are mad behind the fitness. It has the evidence that the rate of obesity in South Korea has low and only 3.2% people are fatty and it is very low in comparison to other countries.

10. High internet speed:

May be you don’t get the good speed in the internet but in South Korea they get good speed. Average speed of internet is 7 Mb in the world. But this small Asian country enjoys the average of 28.6 Mb internet speed.

11. Beauty based jobs:

You know in South Korea parent expended on their children for the facial surgery during the jobs. In South Korea, the interviewer hired the employ on the basis of beauty. When they came in these criteria they got desire job. But nowadays, all the interviews held blindly where interviewer can’t see the face of a particular person.

strange south korea facts | south korea
south korea

I hope you guys get the fruitful facts about the South Korea. Which fact amazed you just comment below in the comment section and who loves Korean drama and K-pops like me comment. If you want to know about the Korean drama or Korean media just poke me. I will definitely write about this.

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