Build your self esteem, self confidence or confidence with 3 miracle pillars (1)

Build your self esteem, self confidence and confidence with 3 miracle pillars

How good will you get? How much will you capable to earn money? How will you can create good relations? Even how are you capable to get great aspects in your life? All these things are depend on your self esteem, self confidence or confidence.How much you believe in yourself. It is really important thing for us. Even author say that the main cause of depression and suicide depends on us self esteem or confidence directly or indirectly. That's why you should know about these thing and develop through this 3 simple pillars.

self esteem, self confidence
Self esteem

Build self esteem, self confidence or confidence:

1. Live in present moment:

I noticed that daily routine work spend suddenly. But when I spent few days out of the town then I realized that I learnt many more things from new places and I felt at that time today I learnt lots of new things. You know why this happen? 

Well answer is we spent lots of time unconsciously in a day. Usually we live with the different thoughts or thinking of mind. 

If I give a example on basis of this funda, then sometimes we reached at that place where we do not want to go due to our more thinking habit of brain. And due to this habit, we became a robot and never live in the present moment. 

Our elders always say, “Live in present”. Today’s generation even do not spend quality time with family. This activity of an individual person ruins his/her both personal and professional life. 

Low self esteem or confidence is the critical reason behind this activity on the other hand high confidence type people live in a moment and able to make good relations. They also perform better in both personal and professional life with fullest potential.
1st practice to live life consciously

2. Accept yourself:

I know when I was at 11th class and I got many pimples on my face. I did not accept that these pimples are temporary and get rid after few months. 

In opposite I did lots of home remedies. And I know at that time my self esteem or confidence became low. I felt low at that moment and I became an awkward and introvert type girl. 

Seriously friends believe me all the people do not love an individual height, weight or color. They attract with confidence of that individual person. So, you are the real one and accept you what you are and be confident in your life. 

One important thing I am not saying that accept everything. Actually you will face two types of situations a lot 
  • Situation 1: Due to the actions, you can change things of your life. 
  • Situation 2: You can’t change things even due to your action or potential
For example: If you are unhealthy then you can change this problem by taking actions include healthy diet and yoga or exercise and become healthy. 

But if you are genetically dusky in color and you know about that you can’t do anything about it. Then, accept the fact and make it your motivation to take actions. And prove yourself that thinking and action is matter more than color that makes your personality small or big.

3. Being assertive:

You will meet two types of people: 
  • No. 1 passive type, and 
  • No. 2 aggressive type. 
Passive type people not able to say ‘NO’ always and do not complain even they get tasteless food at restaurant. In short passive type people do those works that others want on the other hand aggressive people do just what they want. 

Now question raises what type of person you should? Passive or Aggressive 

Well answer is you should not both because if you will become passive then, people will use you and never do what you want in that moment and if you will become aggressive then, people will find rudeness attitude in you. 

That’s why it is best for you to become assertive instead of passive and aggressive. Basically an assertive person put their points in the good manner and behaves like a gentleman

Yes, assertive person do what they want but without any rude attitude. You should be a wise or assertive person to growth your potential high in respect of confidence or self esteems.

self esteem, self confidence
Self esteem

I referred these tricks from the book named SIX PILLAR OF SELF ESTEEM - NATHANIEL BRANDEN. If you want to get more knowledge related to the self esteem, self confidence or confidence. You can buy this book though below link of this book :--

I will attach more 3 tricks related to this topic in next article. I hope you guys you will try to increase your self esteem, self confidence or confidence  through this simple tricks and apply into your life. Please share this post with your friends and relatives. Is these confidence values hurdle in your success. If yes just comment. Stay fearless and be happy.

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